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Convert XML to PDF.

asked on December 19, 2017



I've been traying to convert a file into a XML file to a format PDF. But I can´t do, can someone help me?



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replied on December 19, 2017

Can you give me a bit of background as to why you need to do this?

I've spent a bit of time trying to get this to work its rather complicated, and ill need much more time to have a solution for you. At this point I think an external library will be required.

I cant think of many reasons one would need to do this which is probably why its difficult to find useful info online.

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replied on January 14, 2018

Something I have done in the past, kind of my accident is:

If you drag drop an XML file on to Excel 2016 it opens the XML in a workbook.

It kind of creates it's own format in a table shape, but this is the closest I could come for you!

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replied on December 19, 2017

I am assuming that you want to do this programatically to a large group of documents.


Is the XML an "Open Office" xml format or just plain xml?  XML, as is, is just a markup text file and not really going to have a direct conversion.  An "Open Office" xml is a word document and you potentially can use the "Open Office" SDK to convert it.

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replied on December 19, 2017

it's just a plain XML.

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replied on December 20, 2017

I think people are confused by what exactly you mean by "convert XML to PDF".  If it's "plain XML" then I guess you mean you want a PDF-formatted presentation of the text of the XML document.  In that case, any text-to-pdf solution should work.  If you want to preserve things like syntax highlighting, then a printer driver-based approach is probably the way to go.

Why is a PDF version of the XML text preferable?  It's not meant to be human-readable, is it?

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replied on December 19, 2017

The only way you can do this to my knowledge is through the SDK.

Basically you export the document as PDF then re-import it. You will need to have the SDK licence to do it tho.

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replied on December 19, 2017

Ok, I have an SDK license, can You help me?

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