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Choose what barcode is used when a page contains multiple barcodes

asked on December 18, 2017 Show version history

I have a quick fields session that is setup to read barcodes (code 39) from the scanned images.  This process works fine, but I have run into some issues where an image has multiple barcodes on the same page causing the system to read them both.  Reading both is fine, but I want to be able to specify what barcode to use when assigning metadata.  Not exactly sure how this can be done with Quick Fields.  



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replied on December 18, 2017

The barcode process lets you configure multiple regions so you can specify a different region for the individual barcodes on a page. Then you can specify the proper token to use the correct barcode data where you need it. See the information for "region selection" from this web help page.


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replied on December 20, 2017


I should have been more specific in my post.  I am 'searching' the entire page for barcodes because the barcodes are not consistently in the same location.  The problem is that some documents have multiple barcodes and QF reads both. I know it is getting both barcodes because it displays in the output pane (see below).  I want the ability to choose which barcode to use and I do not see that function in Quick Fields today.  

Note: I am able to get both barcodes to show in a field by using the 'Apply Index'  and separate by a comma but I am not able to do anything outside of that.  My only thought is to do something with Workflow, but hoping I can find something within QF to accomplish this!




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replied on December 20, 2017

Barcode produces a multi-value token when it reads more than one barcode per zone/page. You can use token indexing to get the value you want if you know its position in the list. Or you can use pattern matching to extract the value if it has a consistent pattern.

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replied on December 20, 2017


Not sure if this has something to do with my version of QF, but that option is not available for me.  It says that the token does not support multiple values.  See below:



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replied on December 20, 2017 Show version history

Hi Nate!

Barcode tokens are assumed single value during configuration. If multiple barcodes are captured while processing, the token will then become multi-value. You can still apply the index manually with the format:


You can test in Token Editor with a simple multi-value token e.g. from an Assign Token Value process

replied on December 20, 2017

Hi Nate!

During configuration, the barcode token is assumed to be single value and the Token Editor doesn't enable the indexing option. When scanning, if multiple barcodes are captured then the barcode token becomes multi-value. You can still manually index the token with the following format:


If you want to test this syntax in Token Editor, you can use a simple multi-value token e.g. from Assign Token Value process

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