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How does Effective Rights work

asked on December 12, 2017

I am confused about what I am seeing when I view the Effective Rights of a given folder for a user.  I have assigned rights to two different scopes for the Everyone group, but when I look at the Effective Rights it only seems to show the rights of one of the scopes...


Rights defined...


Rights for the "This folder and subfolders" group...


Rights for the "Document only" scope...


When I view the Effective Rights for the Everyone group I see...




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replied on December 12, 2017

The second set of rights for "Everyone" has a scope of "documents only". Based on the screenshot, the entry you're looking at effective rights on is a folder. So only the first set of rights for "Everyone" (the one with scope "this folder and subfolder") is applicable.

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replied on December 13, 2017

Oh, I understand now, I looked at a document within the folder and the effective rights shown were the second set.  Thanks!

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