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Calculation Error With Table Fields that are being used in multiple calculations

asked on November 30, 2017 Show version history

I have a form that calculates the total miles when a user enters the Trip Odometer Readings.

Once the user has entered multiple trips, I sum up the total miles and multiply it by a mileage rate providing me a reimbursement amount.

The problem occurs when the submitter fills out the form and sends it to an approver. The approver receives the "read-only" submission form and rejects it. The approver requires the user to remove a table row because the trip didn't occur in that pay period. 

When the user receives the form back, they delete the row and submit the form. We are able to see the sum of the total miles update before they submit the form.

When the approver receives the corrected form, the sum of the total miles is the previous value before the row was deleted.

I was able to recreate the issue. I am on Forms Version

Please see below.

Calculation for Table 1 - Total Miles Field


Calculation for Table 2 - Reimbursement Field


The Approver rejects the form and the submitter removes the 4th row.

Once the submitter resubmits the form, the summary does not change.

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replied on November 30, 2017

I take it from the title that the calculation is not working right?  Can you show screenshots of your form and the calculation you have?  What is happening when you fill fields in?

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replied on November 30, 2017

I updated my question at the top.

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replied on November 30, 2017 Show version history

I had this same issue and I believe it was an issue with allowing a comma separator on the total.  If you go to field that's not updating and make sure "Use thousands delimiter" in unchecked.  It should work.   Fingers crossed for you!

You might need to go through all your fields and turn this off as well. 

I would also recommend that if you have your total miles marked as read only.  I would make it read only via java and not by selecting the Field option. 

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replied on November 30, 2017

What happens if after they delete the row they modify one of the other values?

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replied on December 4, 2017

I am working on something similar with forms version 9.2.  Could you post the code for your calculation in table two?  

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