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How to auto delete archive?

asked on November 10, 2017

Hi all,


I'm trying to use the record management for make archives then destroy them.

I made a document and I inserted it to Laserfiche/Archives.

The rule is : Destroy document after 1 month.

So I changed my computer's date from today (10 nov 2017) to 10 jan 2018 but my file is still here.



What is my mistake?


Thank you very much.


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replied on November 11, 2017

Hi Olivier,

The proceans is not automated how you expect it to be. Using the the RM search options, you can search for records that have been cut off and are ready to be destroyed, then destroy them manually. Or you could write a workflow to destroy the records. It's generally bad practice to have automatic destruction but very large organisations have little chioce so are often the exception to the rule.


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replied on November 13, 2017

Hi Ben,


Thank you for your return.

I dont understand your answer ; if the process is not automated, so why can we choose the action "Destruction" ?

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replied on November 13, 2017



The record becomes eligible for the final disposition action after the criteria is met.

In your case, a records manager can destroy the record one month after cutoff. 

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