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Radio button selection disappears

asked on November 8, 2017

How do I make the selection of a radio button in my first form still show selected in the second (Approve/Reject) form?  I have tried making it read-only in the second form of the workflow, but the selection no longer shows.  I'm trying to keep the selection like when someone signs using a Signature field, in the next form you can make that read-only the the signature carries over.

Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

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replied on November 8, 2017


It should carry through read-only or not, unless the variable is different.  If you didn't copy the form over, what I usually do is to drag the initial variable to the new form from the variables menu:


That way you get the exact variable, and it will carry over.  If you have just named the field the same name on a different form, it has created a new variable and will have an extension number on the end like 'Manager_1' when the first manager field had just 'Manager'.  You can see the variable here:

Notice the Department Variable has no extension after it.  If you do have a different variable name, you can still make the original carryover by putting the variable in the 'Default Value' field at the bottom of the edit screen for the field, like this:

Hope this helps!



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replied on November 8, 2017

Thanks Rick!  That was it, and I also didn't assign values to each button like I did in the first form.  


Thanks again!!

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