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Approve button not working

asked on November 1, 2017

My Project Engineer (PE) has a step where they must review all attachments to the task and reconcile them. Once that's done, the PE has two choices: Reject to Start of Process (Reject) or Move to Part 5 (Approve). Reject works! Approve does nothing (it looks like it's being clicked, but I don't get any errors) ... not moving to the next task:

Here's some info from the PE Reconcile Attachments user task:


Here's what the bottom of the form looks like:

I can click the "Move to Part 5" button 25 times ... nothing. Here's the javascript I have in there:

//Clear all dates
  $('.pe2DateSigned input').attr("readonly", false);
  $('.pe2DateSigned input').val('');
//set fields to hidden or readonly
  $(".read-only *").prop("readonly", true);//make fields with read-only class read-only
//Check for blanks and fill with N/A
  if($('.drafting input').val() == ''){
    $('.drafting input').val('N/A');}
  if($('.nuclear input').val() == ''){
    $('.nuclear input').val('N/A');}
  if($('.other input').val() == ''){
    $('.other input').val('N/A');}
  if($('.qae input').val() == ''){
    $('.qae input').val('N/A');}
  if($('.structural input').val() == ''){
    $('.structural input').val('N/A');}
  if($('.thermal input').val() == ''){
    $('.thermal input').val('N/A');}
//Change background color for css = highlight

//Make comments required when rejecting, removing required fields
  $('.Reject').click(function() {    
    if($('#comments').val() == '')
       alert('Please enter brief details into the Comments box before selecting this action');
       return false;
    $('*[required]').each(function() { 

});  //close document.ready

What am I missing????


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replied on November 1, 2017

Are you getting the alert message, or nothing at all? If the button does nothing, then I would open the browser debugger and see if you're getting any JavaScript errors when you click the button.

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replied on November 1, 2017 Show version history

Getting nothing at all. Will try the browser debugger. Stay tuned!

UPDATE: Nope, no errors showing in debugger.

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replied on November 1, 2017

Okay, so next test, add another alert to the event handler before the condition; that way you can make sure it is actually firing. If you see the alert, then the problem may lie in the condition, if not, then there's something else going on.

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replied on November 1, 2017

Additional info at the end of this.

The error handler worked when tested on CSS and JavaScript page:

Still doesn't work when I test on my form:

Additional Info:

This works fine when this form goes through the first time (but it execute the error handler). I created another new process because once it's Moved to Part 5, there's no turning back. Anyway, the first time through, I rejected it. When it came back to this role, that's when the Move to Part 5 stops working.

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replied on November 2, 2017

Is "Move to Part 5" using the "Submit" or "Approve" button? 

At this point, I would put an alert on each one so you can see what's going on.

When you get back to this role the second time around, were both buttons not working, or just the "Move to Part 5" button?

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replied on November 3, 2017

Move to Part 5 is using the Approve button.

The second time around, only the Move to Part 5 button was not working. The Reject to Start of Process works.

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