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Cannot Split Pages from a Document Unless User Can Browse to Folder

asked on October 20, 2017

I have a repository where we have setup transparent records management. There are certain groups that are allowed access to browse the Record Series structure and everyone else has to go through the 'manilla' folder structure where shortcuts to the actual documents exist.

In the Record Series I have given a specific a group access rights to create documents and delete pages, but not the browse access right. The idea is to allow them to be able to split pages from one document to a new document within the same folder. After giving them those rights, they are still not able to split the pages.

If I give that group the Browse access right to the record series (no other changes made), they are able to successfully split the document. Is that how that should be working or should they be able to split the document just by the fact they can access the document within the folder?

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replied on February 5, 2018

Just wanted to bump this to see if anyone has an answer to this.

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