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invalid object name workflow

asked on October 18, 2017

We have someone that somehow has trailing spaces in folder names in various places of their repository.  We should be able to write a workflow to remove the trailing spaces using the trim function.  Should be really easy but I am getting an invalid object name error and can't figure out why.  


I have also created a multivalue token and updated the values in the token with the trimmed name and I get the exact list I want so I know the function works.  I can also use the create entry and make the folders in a test location and they appear with no space.    I just cannot seem to rename a folder its same name but trimmed.  Any ideas?



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replied on October 18, 2017

It's probably a folder higher up in the path if the same entry name works in a different location.

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replied on October 18, 2017

The layout is only 3 deep.  Its property files, so the path is \Repository\House Files\Street\House Number Street.

So my search is only searching within a specific Street name for folders underneath (not including subfolders).

So I am only searching within Main Street and I get 16 results back (2234 Main Street, 2235 Main Street, etc).  All of the address folders have the trailing space.  I have double checked that the Main Street parent folder does not have a trailing space nor does the House Files folder.  Above that is the repository root and that is fine as well.

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replied on October 18, 2017

Hm, could you open a case with Tech Support and attach a briefcase with the folders?

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replied on October 29, 2018

I currently support 2 customers who are experiencing a similar issue. I currently have a case open with support. I will share our solution once we have found it. Importing the folders with trailing spaces via briefcase will actually remove the trailing space, needed to troubleshoot the issue in Windows Client 10.3.x.

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