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Stubborn number

asked on October 13, 2017 Show version history

Hi, I have a stubborn six that just wont get picked up by Quick Fields. I'm new to Quick Fields so please bare with me.

I'm trying to use a rectangle with the "OminPage Zone OCR" feature. My settings are set to "Accuracy" and no matter how close or far from the inside of the borders I draw the rectangle, it just won't pick it up.

I know there is somewhere in the settings to increase the tolerance or something...maybe that was Photoshop I can't remember. Is there something I can do about that stubborn six :P


Raul Gonzalez

seis.PNG (1.54 KB)
0 0


replied on October 13, 2017

If you OCR everything around it, what does it think the 6 is?  Can you OCR a bigger area and post an image of the results so we know what quick fields thinks it is?

The other thing to look at is if your zone is set to pixel or percent.  If it is set to pixel it could be reading an area not even close to what you think it is reading.

PixelPercent.jpg (49.09 KB)
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replied on October 13, 2017 Show version history

Thanks Jennifer,

I changed the "Unit" to "Percent" but I got the same result. The result is blank. See image attached.

Basically the six is inside that rectangle. I draw a rectangle inside that rectangle to only detect the six, but nada.

What else can I try?


Raul Gonzalez

6inside.PNG (2.93 KB)
noBueno.PNG (17.18 KB)
6Screen.PNG (19.68 KB)
seis.PNG (1.54 KB)
0 0
replied on October 16, 2017

Your first images looks like there is a y and s over the 6.  Is that on the document or is that just something from the program you took the screenshot with.  If it is on the document itself there is not going to be very much you can do.  It will never pick up the 6 if there are other characters over it.


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replied on October 16, 2017 Show version history

Thanks Jennifer,

The Y is just part of the "region selection" name (the square); but it's not part of the document.

The last image where the 6 looks clear, that's how the document actually looks like. I toyed around with the "Advanced Option" link and changed the "Character preference" option to "Number", but still no luck.

seis.PNG (1.54 KB)
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replied on October 16, 2017

Is 6 the only thing that will ever be in the box?  Or does it pick up other number just not the 6?

Have you tried other enhancements like despeckle, smooth, or temporarily making it larger?

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replied on October 16, 2017

There are other numbers, most get picked and only a couple don't. I haven't tried the despeckle, smooth or any other strategy just yet, as I'm very new to this. Let me look up those options and see how it reacts to them.

Thanks Jennifer,


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replied on October 18, 2017

I tired adding Despeckle, Smooth, Line Removal, but still get the same or worst results. Not sure if I'm applying them correctly though. See screenshot.


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