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Update field values with workflow now working

asked on October 6, 2017

Good afternoon,

I am attempting to do a workflow that will update the field value of a record with workflow and send an email reminder notification. I have tried it two different ways (see below), but the workflow will send the email, but will not "Assign field values." I'm not sure if I am missing something here. Does anyone have any ideas?


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replied on October 6, 2017

If you could post a screenshot of the Assign Field Value properties that could give some hints, sometime we just forget to check the right entry to assign

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replied on October 6, 2017

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replied on October 6, 2017

replied on October 6, 2017

Is it possible that the same document is coming up in the search in the other branch as well and maybe the value is overwritten by the Assign Field Values activity in that branch?


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replied on October 6, 2017

It shouldn't be. I am only getting one email from each branch when testing. I would expect to get 4 if they were both coming up.

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replied on October 6, 2017

What do the workflow instances show if you search that workflow?  Does it shows that it said it put the metadata on?  Were there any messages?  Have you tried retrieving the field value right after assigning it and tracking tokens just to see what comes up when you run it?


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replied on October 10, 2017

Great idea! I hadn't thought of this to do a check. Unfortunately, the field values were not updated.

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replied on October 10, 2017

Can you try adding another metadata field to narrow down if it is the activity or the specific field?  Does workflow have full access to the field, template, and entry to make the change?

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replied on October 10, 2017

It doesn't seem to be the specific field as it will not update any field I try. Workflow has full access as well. 

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replied on October 10, 2017

Is your search repository accidentally set to return only the first result?  Is your For Each loop pointing to the search results.  Do you know how many results are being returned?

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replied on October 10, 2017

Hmmm, nope. It is set to return all results. And I should have a total of 2 for each search being returned.

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replied on October 10, 2017

The messages tab in the instance details should tell you how many entries were returned by Search Repository. For Each Entry has an option to record each entry it processes in the instance details. You can try turning that on too to see if it gives you more information.

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replied on October 10, 2017

Hmmm I have tried that now and it is returning 2 instances. For some reason it's just the 'assign field values' part which is not working. It will generate the 4 emails, but not update any data.

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replied on October 10, 2017

You are running a parallel instead of a conditional.  Is there any chance they are finding the same documents and overriding themselves?

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replied on October 10, 2017

In the workflow designer, can you do a File/Print Summary and save it as a text file and upload it?  Let us see all the activity conditions to try and help track this issue down?

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replied on October 10, 2017

Hi. Attached is the print summary. I have removed my email from the summary, but it is in the original workflow. Thanks so much for trying to help!


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replied on October 10, 2017

If you take one of those entry IDs and search for workflows involving that entry, do you see instances from other workflows? It sounds like your field update might be triggering something else that resets the value.

Any chance you have Audit Trail?

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replied on October 10, 2017

Have you tried taking it out of the parallel to see if that is the issue? 


Did you by any chance copy/past the For Each Loops?  I have recently have issues where copy/paste of loops with activities in them has created issues with the activities in the loop.

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