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Forms radio button

asked on October 4, 2017

Hello all,


i have an issue, 

i have a field called show( not in the section) and a section in the form that is a readonly section. and in this section i have :

  1. radio button (approve reject rollback)
  2. 123(multiline)
  3. m2(multiline)


if we leave the scenario here, everything is fine, the readonly section fields are all readonly and disabled


if we make a field rule on the show field ==> if the field = 1 , show the section

the section will show, but the radio button will behave weird as follows :

  1. the cursor on the radio button will become normal (pointer) and not like if the radio button is disabled (stop cursor)
  2. i have tried it at a customer also, but on the customer machine the value of the radio button changes if i click on it


this is a screenshot of the form


Please advise,

Maher Daher.






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replied on October 8, 2017

Hi Maher,

This is a bug. We will fix this in next release, sorry for the inconvenience.

A temp workaround could be updating the disabled status on radio button field when the field rule trigger field is updated:

    if ($('#Field3').val() == '1') {
      $('input[name=Field1]').attr('disabled', 'True');


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