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Show Save Draft button when viewing the task

asked on September 29, 2017

So I've checked "Show Save Draft button when viewing the task" for a couple of my user tasks. My issue is this. This task went through a few users and was rejected. I made changes and clicked Save Draft. When I reopened the draft, it had not saved the changes I made:

I believe the value in Save Draft is to be able to make changes and, when necessary, save what you've done so far so you don't lose it.

Anyone else have this issue?

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replied on October 2, 2017

The "Save Draft" feature never worked properly for us for a variety of reasons. We have always been able to find deal-breaker glitches with it.

So as a workaround we always implement drafts as a discrete user task. For each user task, the user gets a "Save for later" button (e.g. Approve, Reject, Save for Later), which kicks off another user task that is assigned to that user. They can then come back to that task later and complete it.

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replied on October 2, 2017

Thanks for the workaround. To the Laserfiche folks, is this on Laserfiche's radar to be fixed?

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