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Saving the Email template to a word document and storing that in a folder

asked on September 27, 2017 Show version history

Hello Everyone..!!  

I am trying to save the email template to a word document and store the word document in a specific folder.

When i run my workflow i am able to create new entry document but with xml format and it is not creating a word document with exact email template. What am i missing?

My workflow is displayed below.

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replied on September 27, 2017

What are you using in Attach Electronic Document?

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replied on September 27, 2017

Properties for attach electronic document

attach electronic document.JPG
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replied on September 27, 2017

I'm not really sure what you're trying to do. Find Entries generates an XML document, not a Word document, so your workflow behavior is expected.

I'm not seeing where you make a Word document. Your Update Word Document doesn't do anything.

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replied on September 27, 2017

Hi Miruna,

I am trying to send email notification and the notification that is sent should be saved into word document/pdf and store the word document into the created folder. 

I am trying to save the email text as there is no attached file to the email. May i know the option to make a word document and save email text into the word document and store that into a created folder.



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