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Windows Authentication in Chrome

asked on September 19, 2017 Show version history

This is probably less a Laserfiche question and more a general Google Chrome question, but maybe someone here has an answer.  

When I try to log into our company Forms server I get the following prompt as expected from LFDS:


When I click Log in with Windows Authentication I get the following pop up:

Once I put in my domain credentials I come back to the LFDS Screen:

This time when I click Log in with Windows Authentication it works.

This also happens on my Forms server or Web Client as part of my VarKit demo setup on my local machine, just without the LFDS login screen.  

Also, if I put in my domain credentials (Domain/Username and password) then windows authentication work in any LF app that needs them until I close Chrome completely.  

I have tried the command line options from since I could not find the subdirectories in the registery for Google under HKLM or HKCU.    


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replied on September 19, 2017

Check the Identity for the application pool for the Forms site. Make sure that this identity has full permissions to the Forms install directory [C:\Program Files\Laserfiche\Laserfiche Forms].


Once that is established, launch Internet Explorer [Even though you may use not use it for accessing forms] and add https://ws16-lfapp  as part of your Trusted sites.


Then launch chrome and try again.

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