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Not a normal calculation...

asked on September 11, 2017

Good morning from Arkansas!!

I have read the help document on using calculations in forms with JavaScript. I have a unique situation I would like to calculate that I can't seem to figure out. Unfortunately it does not fit within the scenarios covered in the help doc.

I have a repeatable collection with fields (price, quantity, subtotal) that each repeatable section has. I then want to SUM each subtotal to a grand total outside the repeatable section. The closest I can get in the help doc is the repeatable table with tax, shipping, and total outside the table. I don't have tax or shipping so the JavaScript isn't working.

Any help is greatly appreciated!


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replied on September 11, 2017

You need to index both cost and quantity before calculating the product so:




Then in Grand total:



and here is a demo of the result:

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replied on September 11, 2017 Show version history

In Forms 10 you can use built in formulas on the fields. Here is the URL: 

I'm guessing in the Subtotal field you would do =PRODUCT(collection.price,collection.quantity)

Then in the Grand Total field you would do =SUM(collection.subtotal).

The "collection" word would be actually the name of your collection, followed by a dot and the variable name of the field.

The fields doing the calculations have to be "Number" or "Currency" type.

LFFormulas.PNG (14.18 KB)
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replied on September 11, 2017

The normal field calculations do work. The only issue here is the repeatable collection. When I ADD a new set of data, the calculations no longer work properly.

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