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radio button, other value update

asked on August 28, 2017 Show version history

I have a table with a radio button #q126 (Relationship) that needs to be populated from lookup data.  The problem is with the Other value, I cannot get the field to be enabled, not ready-only and have the value from ECRELATION (#q384) added:


Here is my code:

Help would be appreciated.

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replied on August 29, 2017 Show version history

If you want everything else in that section to remain read-only except for the single line field, try using the following function. I created it to dynamically change the read only state of a form element.

function setReadOnly(e,t) {
    // Set input element to read-only
    e.attr({'readonly': 'readonly', 'backend-readonly': 'True'});
  } else {
    // Remove readonly from input element
    e.removeAttr('readonly backend-readonly disabled');

just pass the form element and a true/false value. For example,

setReadOnly($('#Field1 input[type="text"]'),false);


Also, after setting a value with javascript I tend to trigger the change event for good measure since it seems to be necessary for rules and such to trigger. For example, $('field).val('test).change();

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