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How can I delete a white page from a Document?

asked on August 22, 2017

Hi all,


I'm trying to delete white page from a Document but the "button" is disabled.


How can I do?


Thank you for all.


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replied on August 22, 2017

Does the user account have the "Delete Document Pages" right on the folder the document is in?

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replied on August 23, 2017

Hi Jennifer,


I was logged as Admin. I have the rights.

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replied on August 23, 2017

Is it a tiff file (imaged file) or an electronic file like a PDF or word document?

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replied on August 23, 2017

Electronic File (PDF)

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replied on August 23, 2017

You won't be able to delete pages from Laserfiche for electronic files.  If you made thumbnail images you can delete the image but all the pages will still show on the electronic file.

You will either have to open the file in it's native viewer and delete the page. Or delete the electronic portion of the files and only keep the images.  Then you can delete the image of the blank page.

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replied on August 23, 2017

: S


When you said "native viewer" you means an external program like Acrobat Reader?

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replied on August 23, 2017

Yes.  When I say native viewer I am being broad for all different types of electronic documents.  PDF would be Adobe.  You might need Adobe Pro instead of just Reader.  Word Documents would be something like Microsoft Word (or whatever program originally made the document).

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replied on August 23, 2017


Next solution...

Using Workflow, can I :

1st. Delete all electonic pages and Keep only Images,

2nd. Find the blank pages then delete them,

3rd. Create new electronic pages from the last Images.


Do you think this is possible?

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replied on August 23, 2017

My first question - is there a reason you want to make new electronic pages?  If you need to keep the electronic file you would be better off just using Adobe.

My second question - are you planning this on a large scale or just a couple documents.  If it is for just a few it might be less time to just open the files and delete the blank pages than to automate it.

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replied on August 23, 2017

Hum, you right about the electronic pages. I dont need to make new.


I have about 300 documents and more will come

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replied on August 24, 2017

There might be some custom coding or SDK that can do it. But if you just want to throw together a quick workflow, you could at least get rid of the electronic file.  I am not aware of a workflow activity that will determine the size of each page to determine if it is blank.

I guess if you only have about 300 right now but more may come up, I would look at writing it as a business process so you can manually run it on individual documents as they come up.

You can use the Find Entry activity to find the document to work with.  Then create a new blank document.  Use Move pages to move the pages from the original entry to the new blank entry.  Delete the original entry.  Rename the new document using the name from the original entry.

This would only get rid of the electronic part of it.  This would not remove blank pages.

MovePages.jpg (39.49 KB)
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replied on August 24, 2017

Hi Jennifer,


Thanks for all.

Could you send me the file *.wfx?

Thanks in advance.



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replied on August 24, 2017

I can upload a text file of it but this site doesn't let me upload a wfx or wfi file.

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replied on August 24, 2017

or you can just change the wfx to txt then i'll back to wfx XD

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replied on August 24, 2017

Is the volume read-only?  I've had the same thing happen to me.  I had to temporarily have the read-only setting removed until I fixed the document.

Simple fix, but I almost overlooked it.

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replied on August 24, 2017

Hi Mary

No, the volume is not read only.

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replied on August 24, 2017

I made a few changes from the image posted earlier.  I changed the workflow to allow it to run as a business process.  Now instead of finding an entry, it will use the starting entry.

TestMove.txt (11.97 KB)
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replied on August 24, 2017


Thank you very much.

I'm going to decode your workflow and try to understand what you did.


Thank you for all.


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replied on August 24, 2017 Show version history



how do you "not add" (or "not move") the blank page?

It looks like your workflow is just a "copy/paste" with no filter.


EDIT: Sorry I didnt correctly read your answer in the previous paragraph. I'm going to find how to delete blank page using SDK.


Thank you.

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replied on August 24, 2017

If you have Quick Fields, you could do it through there as well.  In QF you can pull in PDF but only keep the images.  And you can do a page removal by size.

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replied on August 29, 2017



I tried to manually generate an image from my Electronic file (no prob).


And tried to manually delete white page from my Image, but I don't how to do this step.


Is it possible ?

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