This is my first QF project so please bear with me. I have a large document which is being imported using Import Agent. This document is then processed by QuickFields agent running two QF sessions. The large document contains multiple 2 page documents. I ran into issues trying to read both pages at the same time when a page was scanned backwards (page 2 first). So I decided to read page 1 from the file first, then run another session for page 2.
What we are doing is Zone OCRing an ID and matching that up with an Zone OCRed Name. We do a database lookup on the ID and verify the name returned matches the scanned name. This prevents documents from being filed under the wrong person.
One issue I am having is when the Database lookup fails to get a match on Name and ID it returns a null set. I thought this would fail the page does not, the page is still created if it meets the other criteria and the Filename which uses the ID and Name is blank in those areas.
Secondly, I want to strip the identified pages from the original laserfiche document. This will help speed up processing for page 2. Additionally, it will allow only failures to remain after page 2 is processed. These can then easily be manually processed.
In review:
1.)I cannot get the Lookup Process to fail the Page Classification.
2.)I cannot get the Page once identified to be removed from the original document.
Any help is greatly appreciated.