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Date format - dd-MMM-yyyy in Forms.

asked on August 18, 2017 Show version history



We have one customer requirement.  where they need date format in dd-MMM-yyyy format(e.g -18-Aug-2017. currently in forms this format is not available(screen shot below). Please suggest how to add above mentioned format in forms date field format?

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replied on August 18, 2017

It looks like the "dd-MMM-yyyy" pattern works, even though there isn't a pre-built option for it. Assign any date fields needing that format a common class and set it in JavaScript:

$(document).ready(function () {
  $('.Test input').attr('momentpattern','DD-MMM-YYYY');


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replied on August 21, 2017

Date field is populated through lookup. i have tested above code its not working.

Please suggest the do we add dd-MMM-yyyy format in Date field in forms directly.

Looking forward to revert.


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replied on September 7, 2017

A case was opened with Laserfiche Support and Bug 43496 filed for this issue.

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