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how to clear out inbox in forms

asked on August 9, 2017 Show version history

I have a client who is testing their forms process and not yet in production. He is wanting to get rid of all the tasks that were assigned to him while testing. Is there a way to clear his inbox?


The only one thing I did mention was he can deselected the process of that form so they are not showing in his inbox but I am not sure how clear/delete those tasks from the process his is testing.

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replied on August 9, 2017

Are you trying to clear everything for that form?  Or just that specific inbox.  If you want to stop everything, you could go to the process instances.  Anything that has the status of In progress you could just stop it and that should clean out his box.

Instances.jpg (26.57 KB)
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replied on August 9, 2017

Thanks so much, that did the trick. 

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