I have a form that has two tables. The first is returning lookup data from a sql table and will have several rows. The second table exists to total the rows from the first table and is fixed to one row. The issue I am having is that the first field in both tables is "Date" (I just copied the first table to create the second one), which obviously will not be totaled. I want to have the total columns in the second table appear directly underneath their corresponding columns in the first table, so I would like to just hide the column name and the input cell but leave the blank space to that the other cells line up properly. If I hide the table column using field rules, it moves everything over and spaces out the columns, which doesn't work for this application.
If anyone can tell me how to hide this table column but pad the row so that the spacing still works, I would really appreciate it. For now I can just hide the column label using javascript, but the input box still appears, which doesn't look professional.