For one of our customers, we had an external web form passing some values to variables in Laserfiche Forms using the variable class name.
The code used on the web page to insert the values to the form is ....
$(document).ready(function () {
var $iframe = $('#object6');
$iframe.load(function () {
$firstname = $('#hf_first_name').val();
$surname = $('#hf_surname').val();
$ein = $('#hf_ein').val();
$email = $('#hf_email').val();
$homeLocation = $('#hf_home_location').val();
$groupCode = $('#hf_group_code').val();
$iframe.contents().find('.FirstName input').val($firstname);
$iframe.contents().find('.LastName input').val($surname);
$iframe.contents().find('.EIN input').val($ein);
$iframe.contents().find('.EmployeeEmail input').val($email);
$iframe.contents().find('.HomeLocation input').val($homeLocation);
$iframe.contents().find('.PrimaryGroup input').val($groupCode);
Field values on the LF forms each have a class name assigned, and the javascript above is inserting the values into the class names (ie .FirstName input, .LastName input, .EIN input, etc.).
This function had worked with 9.1 without any issues. We recently upgraded the Laserfiche servers (server, Forms, Workflow) to 10.2.1 with the latest hotfixes. After this upgrade, the external web is not passing the values to Laserfiche Forms. Attached is the error from web debug screen.
Any ideas??
Thanks for you help in advance.