Hello All,
Is there a way to hide the folder structure so that the end users are not able to view it. Refer to the highlighted below:
Thank you.
Hello All,
Is there a way to hide the folder structure so that the end users are not able to view it. Refer to the highlighted below:
Thank you.
Hello ,
assign right to document level "Browse & Read" not on the folder level.
Thank You.
Best Regards,
Hi Kajal,
This is definitely possible. Please click this link to read an earlier post addressing this topic:
Here's a screenshot of the folder path to the browse.aspx file referred to in the post I linked:
Hello Rob,
It did work but while searching for it and opening the file,the folder structure appears above the image which is also not required to be seen by the end users.
Can you help in getting the highlighted part removed?
Thank you.
Hello Rob,
See below screen shot below, we do not want to display the path to the end users.
Thank you.
Hello Kajal,
remove End User right from Folders "Browse, Read" and give this right on Document level.
End User with Browse, Read right Document Level.