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Open Formula equations not working

asked on July 21, 2017 Show version history

I wish there was better documentation of the Forms utilization of Open Formula. I have limited success with it, and end up going to javascript to make things work.

I currently am working on this:


which does not work and returns nothing. Values 1, 2 and 3, are most definitely number types.

If I change the formula to this


the field returns a value of 16, as I expect.

What am I missing?

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replied on July 22, 2017

Hi Zane,

I've duplicated your setup with four Number fields as shown below, no changes to the default settings other than to add your formula into the "Total" field's calculation and it works fine.  So your calculation is correct, maybe it's a field setting issue?




If you can't find the issue, maybe cut your calculation back to =(Value1*Value2) and test that, then add the remainder incrementally to identify where the issue is occurring?



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replied on July 23, 2017 Show version history

I'll do that. I'm picking my field settings from the ">" icon, so I'm not sure why that would be the issue.

Some of the values are being generated from a lookup. Maybe that's the issue.

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replied on July 24, 2017

Possibly, you could maybe try leaving the lookup fields out of the equation to test whether that's the issue and add additional number fields that reference the lookup fields e.g. add a number field "calc1" with the formula set to "= lookup1", calc2 with "=lookup2" etc, then use the calc fields in your total calculation.  It seems like a complicated way to calculate a few fields so there's probably a much better/easier way of doing this, but it would help work out whether it's an issue with using the lookup fields in your formula.

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replied on July 24, 2017

I went back in this morning and rebuilt the equation from scratch and it worked. It must have been a simple keying mistake that I couldn't see.

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replied on July 24, 2017

Frustrating when that happens, but good to hear that it's working for you.

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replied on July 24, 2017

Thanks for your help.

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replied on July 24, 2017

No problem.

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replied on July 16, 2019

I am having the same issue with an if statement. The formula is 100% correct.

Here it is:

Collection field is called Information_Classification

Drop Menu field is called: A_Class_Codes. The drop menu value I am testing is A01

The field that should display the results is called Flag. It is a single line field.

within Flag, I inserted the following formula



I spent the morning trying to figure out where is the mistake, but to no avail. Very frustrating

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