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Customize the From Email in Forms

asked on July 3, 2017

This is probably more of a feature request than a question.  If there is a way to accomplish this, please let me know.


We would like to customize the From Email info in Forms like you can in Workflow.  We use this when sending notifications in Workflow so the recipient knows what the notification is regarding.  This is especially helpful for sorting the emails in email clients.  See below:



This makes it easy to know what the notification is regarding.  This is accomplished in workflow by using the advanced settings for the email step.  So at each step where we are sending an email we customize the sender email address.  The actual address doesn't change but what is displayed is customized.  

Here is an example from our demo system.  In this example we are at the Member Docs step of a QC (Quality Control) Process.  We change the Sender Email Address from the default to "QC - Member Docs" <workflow@demo.local>.


This ability would be quite useful in the forms approval / notification processes.  Below you can see that the bottom two email notifications simply show our generic notification email address instead of a "Name" (we use workflow @demo.local as our generic from email address in both Forms and Workflow). 



I have tried using the same syntax in Forms and get an invalid syntax.  



I think this would be a great option to help streamline the notifications in Forms as well.

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replied on July 3, 2017 Show version history

It doesn't look like the "display name" option for outgoing emails works in Forms right now, but you can still use a custom address even if it is a "fake" email.

Until the feature is available, you can still change the outgoing address to something related to the purpose of the message, like you trying to do with the display name.

For Example,

I do this for most of my Forms and even if the display name option becomes available I'd still recommend it because it allows people to easily set sorting/routing rules based on the incoming address.

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replied on July 3, 2017

Thanks for the input. I've filed Ticket 33836 with a feature request to support the "Display Name <>" format for adding a custom display name for e-mail senders.

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