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Query an SQL table and find the maximum number in a column

asked on June 28, 2017

In workflow I want to query a table and in one column find the maximum number in that column.  Any ideas?

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replied on June 28, 2017 Show version history
SELECT COUNT(YourFieldNameHere)
FROM YourTableNameHere

^^that will give you the total number of rows in the column

SELECT MAX(YourFieldNameHere)
FROM YourTableNameHere

^^that should give you the highest value in your column.


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replied on June 28, 2017

If you're asking what I think you're asking, first you want to create a multi-value token, then do your query, then in a For Each Row add each value to the multi-value token (append).

Next, use the token editor and apply the Max function to the token with all your values; this will result in the "largest value" in the multi-value token.


There's actually a bunch of ways you could do this; one alternative for example would be to use a normal token with a default value of 0, then have a conditional sequence in the For Each Row loop that check each value and replaces the token if the current value is higher:

  • If CurrentValue > TokenValue
    • TokenValue = CurrentValue
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