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Version Control by Workflow

asked on June 21, 2017

We are giving facility to upload documents through forms in form of Training Material which is named as "Type-TrainingID". For example "PPT-6789", "VIDEO-6789".

Now user would requires following

1. Weblink URL

2. Training Material to be under version control

3. When they upload another PPT for same training then automatically version 2 should be created.


We are using Workflow for this where each upload goes through following workflow activities

For Each File->Create Entry->Attach Electronic Document->Version Control

It works fine when first upload but doesn't create version when second time we upload with same name. Rather workflow ends up with "name(2)".


Please help with this version control through workflow when we replace the same named file. Thanks.

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replied on June 21, 2017

I created a test workflow where it by default renames a document as "123" and moves to another folder. Everytime i did it it created a new document.


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replied on June 21, 2017


The "Version Control" activity in Workflow does not create new document versions, it only enables version tracking and/or updates the comments/labels.

You could retrieve the original with a Find Entry, delete the existing pages/eDoc, then move the new ones into the original, but that will create multiple versions (one for each individual change).

To create a single new version for each new upload through workflow (one version for all of the combined changes), you would need to use SDK Scripts.

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replied on June 21, 2017

I don't see anything in your 2 workflows that would cause new versions to be created. As Jason mentioned, the "version control" activity puts the document under version control, so subsequent changes would create new versions. Move Entry, however, does just a move or copy, it does not replace existing documents in the target folder.

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replied on February 6, 2018

Hi Miruna,


I have the same "error". How can I replace existing documents in the target folder?

Be careful, I don't want to delete the old file ; I want to add a new version.

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replied on February 7, 2018

Attach Electronic Document would replace the electronic component of a document. If the document is under version control, such a change would generate a new version.

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replied on February 7, 2018

Hi Miruna,

Thanks for your return but I don't understand how the add-on "Attach Electonic Document" can help.

I'm using Import Agent to push PDF into Laserfiche then using a Workflow to move this file in the right folder.

File_1.pdf => Import Agent => Folder A => Workflow => Folder B / File_1.pdf


If I add the same file (using Import Agent), I'll get 2 files under the folder B

File_1.pdf => Import Agent => Folder A => Wokflow => Folder B / File_1 (2).pdf


The document is under version control.


In the options, I asked to make a new version


Then I asked to make a Laserfiche Document (I don't really know if this one is useful).

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replied on February 7, 2018


The settings in the screenshots apply to user-generated documents. When moving documents with Workflow it will never overwrite an existing document and will always add a number to the end in the event of naming conflicts.

What Miruna is suggesting is that instead of using a Move Entry activity, you use a Download Electronic Document activity to retrieve the PDF from the imported document, then use Attach Electronic Document to add it directly to the existing entry.

Import Agent can bring a document in as a new version, but that only applies when you are putting it in the same place as the original and because you are bringing it into one folder then moving it with Workflow this setting would not apply.

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replied on February 7, 2018

Hi Jason,



So first, I'm serching if a File_1.pdf already exist in my Folder B

If Yes then : 1 Download Electronic File from my entrie, next Attach Electronic File to the old one, right?



Download Electronic File is ok but how to configure Attach Electronic File?

I would to attach the new one to the old one



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replied on February 7, 2018 Show version history

There's an ellipsis (...) button next to the > button that will let you select the file from the Download Electronic Document activity.


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replied on February 7, 2018

Thank you Jason and Miruna

It's working.



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replied on August 15, 2018

I'm hoping that someone can help me with a situation that is very similar to the above. I have a PDF that is being generated by workflow (script) and saved in a temp location in Laserfiche. I need to replace the old PDF with this new one, keeping the "OLD" PDF's Entry ID. I've tried a few different ways but cannot seem to get it to work. What step am I missing? As you see below, I find the old one (only 1 file exists) and then I download it (not sure I need to), then find the new PDF that was just entered into LF (only 1 file exists), download it, and then attach to the old one found. I've tried 'for each entry' as well just in case that made a difference but it does not. 

I've also tried the WF activity 'move pages' but that only works for TIFF images. 


Any thoughts on this? Your help is appreciated!!


replied on June 21, 2017

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