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Forms table, where all fields are read-only except the far right-hand column

asked on June 15, 2017

How can I access these white fields to make them always have (instructional) specific words in them?  They will be read-only fields.  The Application Reviewer will read across the row and pick the one that best matches what they want and then fill in a score on the far right side column.

Example, if the applicant's "Understanding of the Question" is Outstanding (and we want the words in the first while field to read:  Understands the complexity of the question) then they would give the applicant a score of 4 for that row.

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replied on June 16, 2017

Hello Connie,


Based on the example you are using, I would probably elect to use simple radio buttons rather than a table.  In the configuration of your radio button fields, change your layout to 4 columns, put a check in the box to assign values to choices, and enter your values 1-4 accordingly.  Then add a single line field below with the calculation of sum(a,b,etc....)  I would then adjust the fields of the radio button using css to adjust the field labels and button width.


#q9 label {width: 250px;}
#q9 .cf-field {width: 500px;}
#q10 label {width: 250px;}
#q10 .cf-field {width: 500px;}

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replied on June 19, 2017

Glenn, thanks!  I like your solution.  I wish I'd seen it before removing my columns and simplifying so drastically.  After reviewing this with the team that I'm building this form for, I may go back in and use this solution!

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replied on June 15, 2017 Show version history

If I'm understanding your goals correctly, then it sounds like you have 4 options:

  1. Put the values into an external data source and use a Lookup to populate the table
  2. Create each row as it's own table, hide the headers on all but the first row, and go into the column/field settings (Field Options > Default Value) to set the field values
  3. If these are only meant to be written instructions, instead of using the table fields for the instructions, only have a column for the number input, then use a custom HTML element with a separate table containing those instruction "fields" and use CSS to put it next to your input table make everything look similar to how it looks currently.
  4. Use JavaScript to populate the table (see this post for a somewhat similar issue). However, if you need those fields to save the values for later you'll need to do a couple extra things since they will be read only.
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replied on June 19, 2017

Hi Jason:

If I hadn't opted for an easier solution before seeing this I would have given it a try, however, I am very inexperienced with all this and the whole process of setting this up appears intimidating to me.  I expect that I will need this info in the future, though, so I am going to set it aside somewhere for future reference.

My easier solution was to simplify by removing all the columns except the category headings and the scores.  My person who will be doing the scoring can just refer to a separate piece of paper to see what to consider before picking the score for each category.  The business process will then just record the scores.  Which is fine.


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replied on June 19, 2017

No worries! Glenn did provide a much simpler solution. Something you could do to get the "guidelines/considerations" into the form is to use the Tooltip feature.

Try opening the "Advanced" tab for the radio element, then add the following text to the "Tooltip" (the <b> will make certain text bold, and <br> will split the different options into separate lines):

<b>Outstanding:</b> TEXT<br><br><b>Accomplished:</b> TEXT<br><br><b>Capable:</b> TEXT<br><br> <b>Beginner:</b> TEXT

Now, you can replace "TEXT" with your custom information/criteria and people will be able to reference it when they hover over the (?) next to the field name.

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replied on June 19, 2017

Thanks, Jason.  I'll have to try that!

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