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who is create documents without search all folders

asked on June 8, 2017

Can Workflow send me email (admin)

i have many folders i would like to know who is create documents

without search all folders


lfFolder.jpg (226.93 KB)
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replied on June 8, 2017 Show version history

Hi Nabeel,


  1. You can first configure a "Search Repository" activity to look for entries at a particular location. Make sure you also retrieve "Created By" from the "Additional Properties" window. Please see the attached document for further reference.
  2. Next, create a token with multiple values allowed. You don't need to store any values at this point; just keep it blank.
  3. Use the "For Each Entry" activity to process all the output entries retrieved by the search activity. Within the loop, you want to append the token created in step 2 so that it can store all of the "Created By" values for each entry


Please see the attached images for reference. 


Comment: FYI, this approach is only suitable when you are working with smaller number of entries (i.e. less than a few hundred). This is because "For Each" loop is inefficient over large data sets. Furthermore, there is a size limit on the email message body so the email server may not be able to send the email itself. The solution proposed by Miruna would be the better choice especially in that type of scenario. 

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replied on June 8, 2017

Audit Trail is probably the best tool for this job. You can save the report and create graphs that aggregate data and show you how many documents each user created.

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