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quick fields use a list field to make a folder structure

asked on June 1, 2017

I am using Quick Fields and trying to make a folder structure. I need a list field to be part of the folder structure. My field is Document Type and the list includes Check, Invoice, Receipt, PO.

I add the field Document Type in the Store documents in: \GCPreStress\%(Customer No) %(Fields.Document Type) (and I have a document type selected)

But when I scan under Document Revision it gets the Customer No but not the Fields.Document Type.

screen shots attached. Please advise.  Thanks Wendi

Template Fields.JPG
Doc Revision.JPG
Doc Revision.JPG (44.08 KB)
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replied on June 1, 2017

Hi Wendi,

Does it save correctly when you store the documents to the repository?

The reason why the token is displayed in the Document Revision pane is because you're telling it to use the field value. Since the field value can be changed before the document is stored, it keeps it as the token until you actually send it to the repository.

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replied on June 2, 2017

You are correct!  Thank you,  I thought it would show correctly in Document Revision pane, but that makes complete sense!  Thanks again!

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