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Email Submission Failure

asked on May 16, 2017

Hi all,


I created a process to send quotation to my customers.

My first task (send email) is for my customer, then my second task it's for me (notification by email).



I dont know why, but some emails can be sent, and the others not.

In the other way, my customer receive my email every minutes (like a loop). Sometimes I receive notification every minutes.

from 10:55:39 to 11:21:41 I submitted 5 forms : 2 succes and 3 errors. I didnt change anything in my process.

The only difference was my attachments.

The errors get attachments more than 3MO ; the others less than 1MO (maybe 200KO).


What is my error?


thanks for your help.

error.txt (8.32 KB)
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replied on May 16, 2017

Are you sure your mail server doesn't have restrictions on the size of attachments?

Side note: you probably should redact email addresses and mail server names in error messages as this is a public site.

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replied on May 17, 2017 Show version history

Hi Miruna, thanks for your help.


I called my FAI yesterday ; I can send 15Mo. It looks like more a timing than a restriction.

My attachment dont have time to be link (in my mind, i'm not sure).


I make a new submit today with same attchments. I have the same error.


In my process, my task never ends.

I received the email and my task is still running.



In my email box, I always receive the email. Nonstop



I need to end my process.

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replied on May 17, 2017

There is error received in Forms side but the email is actually sent out, with the error received in Forms side, the email service task will become suspended and there is auto retry mechanism added in Forms 10.2 to auto retry the suspended service task. That is why it keeps sending emails. Since there is something wrong with the sending email part, I think you can disable to autoretry first to avoid getting lots of emails: set the option value in cf_options table for the one with optionvalue "AutoRetry" to "false" from Forms database and restart Laserfiche Forms Routing Service from Windows service. 

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replied on May 18, 2017 Show version history

Hi Xiuhong,

First, thank you for your help.

Next, I changed "AutoRetry" to "false" and restart the service. Now, when I submit my form, I have this error message.

Translate : "The Laserfiche Forms routing service is currently unavailable"


What's wrong ?


I tried to trun back to "true" and restart the service, but I cant.



It looks like the service is still running...

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replied on May 18, 2017

Please check the event viewer->Windows Logs->Application, there should be some error when starting the Laserfiche Forms Routing Service, some internal services for the Routing Service are started.  Please try to stop the Laserfiche Forms Routing Service from Windows Service first, then start it again. If you can't stop it from there, you can open Task Manager and check "Show progress for all users" and find the "RoutingEngineServiceHost" process and click end task to stop it, then start the service from Windows Services.

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replied on May 19, 2017

Hi Xiuhong,

Thanks you!

I could restart my service Laserfiche Forms Routing.

So now, in my database, I have "cf_options -> AutoRetry = false".

#1 => I filled and submitted 1 new form (OK)

#2 => The customer received only one email (OK)

#3 => The trader should receive an email's notification and a Link to validate the form (NOK)


First : I have 3 submitted forms ; not 1 (maybe the 2 firsts was submitted yesterday when my Service Laserfiche Forms Routing bugged)


Next : my process is still suspended in step 2 (sending email to my customer).



As a reminder, I have this only if I join a heavy attachment. Here I joined 3 attachments (3.5MO, 20KO, 20KO).

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replied on May 19, 2017

At this point, it's probably best you take this to Tech Support rather than troubleshooting over a public forum.

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replied on May 19, 2017

ok Thank you Miruna

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replied on May 19, 2017 Show version history

Miruna, I cant create a case



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replied on May 21, 2017

Please try again to see whether you can create a support case.

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replied on May 22, 2017

Hi Xiuhong Xiang,


I tried to submit 1 more time but unsuccess

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replied on May 22, 2017

Hi Olivier,

Case 187212 has been created for the issue and we'll troubleshoot the issue from there.


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