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Build Form task url

asked on May 14, 2017



Is there a way to build the forms task url, and send it by email, because we are using internal link and external link (internet), and the email sent automatically by the user task in the process diagram is built according to the forms server name configured in the formsconfig page which is only internal or only external.


Thank you.

Maher Daher.

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replied on May 15, 2017

The URL for the task is something like  http://{FormsServer}/forms/form/approval/{Resume_Id}, the resume id is dynamic generated for each task and you can find it from the cf_bp_instance_approvers table.  But there is currently no easy way to get the link of a user task from an email service task. 

Can you change the task email notification to all use external links?  By default, the Forms server URL in user task use the Primary Forms Server URL configuration. But in Forms 10.2.1, there is an option called "FormsHostEmailOverride" added to control the link in user task notification, the format of it is http://v-sh-win7x64-24/forms/ which is similar as Primary Forms Server but different from FormsURI(http://v-sh-win7x64-24). You can this option in cf_options table to customize it.

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