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save field data to sql table

asked on May 1, 2017

I have a form that is currently populated via lookup tables from an external sql database.  I want to be able to make changes to fields within the form and then save all fields back to the database, thereby overwriting the old information.  Is this possible?



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replied on May 1, 2017

You would add a Laserfiche Workflow event on the Process Diagram. Make sure the value in the Workflow Name field is identical to the actual name of the workflow that will be doing the Insert into the SQL database.

Your workflow would then have at least 2 activities. The first would be to retrieve the variables from the Forms process that kicked off the workflow. You would set it up to retrieve all of the values you want to insert into the database. Next, you would use an Insert Data activity and have it insert all of the values gathered from the Retrieve Variables activity into the specified database table and it's associated columns.


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replied on May 1, 2017

Yes. You will need to hand the data off to a workflow and have workflow do the heavy lifting of adding the data back to the database.

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replied on May 1, 2017

Could I get an example of how that works?  With screenshots if possible.


Thanks so much!

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replied on May 1, 2017

You would add a Laserfiche Workflow event on the Process Diagram. Make sure the value in the Workflow Name field is identical to the actual name of the workflow that will be doing the Insert into the SQL database.

Your workflow would then have at least 2 activities. The first would be to retrieve the variables from the Forms process that kicked off the workflow. You would set it up to retrieve all of the values you want to insert into the database. Next, you would use an Insert Data activity and have it insert all of the values gathered from the Retrieve Variables activity into the specified database table and it's associated columns.


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