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Customize Email Basket's Body in Web Access

asked on May 1, 2017

I was wondering there was a way to customize the body of the email to include a disclaimer by default in time they want to email something out directly from web access. 

Customize Email Body.JPG
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replied on May 1, 2017

Is there a reason why you would want to do it here and not at the mail server level (where it's usually done so the user can't delete it before sending the message)?

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replied on May 1, 2017



They are currently doing some testing with their mail server and were curious if it was possible to do it their? 

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replied on October 18, 2017

We've had a client ask about this as well in order to remove the "DOMAIN\username" it inserts in there instead of a real name for some strange reason.

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replied on March 2, 2021

Has there been an update to the email basket? We are looking for the option to bcc a specific email (ourselves/internal) to ensure the email is sent/received as well as whether canned responses could be added to the email basket?

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