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How do I get my form to auto fill?

asked on April 27, 2017 Show version history



 I am creating a form for my employees out in the field that work on several projects. I would like to make things a little easier by having the form auto fill once the project is chosen. Each project has its own job number, client and client job number. I created a database for the Lookup Rules to be applied for each category. I am not sure if the fields should be single fields or if it is okay to use tables/drop downs. See below. 


This is how I set up the Lookup Rules.

Your help is greatly appreciated. 



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replied on April 28, 2017


I listened to what you both were telling me and I came in this morning ready to go. I read how to create a database containing columns, rows, data type etc... and what they mean. I then deleted the previous table and created a new table with the columns as labels and the rows that held the information. Once I did this then I went in and refreshed my data source in forms which allowed me to use it in the lookup Rules. See below


I can't thank you enough for sticking with me on this. I really appreciate your help.


2 0
replied on April 28, 2017

Anything for a fellow Texan. Glad you got it working

1 0
replied on April 28, 2017 Show version history


I also am going to explain what Fearghal is trying to show you in his example, and how it might be helpful to you.

I'm assuming you have created a drop-down in Forms where you are manually populating the list of job sites. Then you are populating by using the database.

But what if your job site list changes? Then you'll need to go and manually change the list in the form.

But if, you use Fearghal's first look up rule, your users will be populating that drop-down list from the database every time they open the form.

Now, you are only updating your database and not both the Db and the Form, plus if you have your Db Table being updated by another application, you don't even need to do that.

1 0
replied on April 28, 2017

So I tested out my form and once I choose a project I cannot make any changes to the other fields. So I am going to try out the example above. I will get back to you with my results. Give me a minute.

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replied on April 28, 2017

It didn't change anything. Does it look right?

0 0
replied on April 28, 2017 Show version history

It does. And, if it is,  the Column_1 drop down should  should be populating with all of the fields that are in your Db table column named Project.


Then your second rule should populating the rest of your form based on the user's selection in the drop-down.

0 0
replied on April 28, 2017

Now I see that once I choose a project and it fills in the information, it will not allow any of the other auto filled fields show their drop down options and if I need to add another project all of the other fields are blank.


adding another project shown below.

0 0
replied on April 28, 2017

Under Name you have 2 separate drop-down lists with different values in each, Line 2000-C P1A and PCM P2 El Segundo Loop. Normally I would expect to see both of those choices in one drop-down.

Are you wanting to reference more than one Project name on the same form? If so, you would need to move these to a collection, I believe.

0 0
replied on April 27, 2017

Fearghal, I dont think so.

She want to auto populate Field "Job:>Number(Number)" when she choose "Project>Name (Column_1)" ; that's right Gina?


What's going on if you choose 1 project name? Can you take a screenshot?

1 0
replied on April 27, 2017

Thats correct. I would like the information that follows to automatically fill in based on the project I have chosen. As of this moment nothing is happening. Not sure what I need to do. 

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replied on April 27, 2017

That's strange, your value is your column's name...

Can we see your database? (with some data)

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replied on April 27, 2017

I built a sample database to work with. 


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replied on April 27, 2017

Do you have some records in your "Project"?

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replied on April 27, 2017

I'm not sure what you mean some records.

0 0
replied on April 27, 2017

As above in our other conversation. What you have named your columns, I believe should be your records. Your column names would be named something like: project_name, client_name, job_number, etc


0 0
replied on April 27, 2017 Show version history

Your "Project" is a database, right?


Is like an Excel's file ; it's a spreadsheet.

You should have some records like this :

PCM...   |    Line    |    042    | ....

record 1 | string1 | string 2 | ....

record 2 | string 11 | string 22 | ....



Gina, right click on your "dbo.Project" then clic "Select Top 1000 Rows"


You should see yours records


This is mine ; you can see 3 records


1 0
replied on April 27, 2017

I will take a look at other databases and compare them with the one I created to see what I need to do to correct this problem. I would like to come back to this subscription and check in with you two Gentlemen to get your input. 


Thank you very much for all the support you have given me today.


1 0
replied on April 28, 2017

You need to first populate the Project Name field before then matching with the WHEN condition to auto-fill the remainder. See example attached for a repairs database. 

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replied on April 27, 2017

I'm not sure I follow what your're trying to do here. Based on your first selection, Project Name, are all the other fields populated with a list of potential values, or only one value?

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replied on April 27, 2017

All of the fields have a drop down with a choice selection but I would like to make it easier on the field personnel using their mobile phone to be able to just choose a project and it fills in the next three fields for them. 

0 0
replied on April 27, 2017 Show version history

First off, you don't need to build this in a table field, it's probably easier if you don't, in my opinion.

Without knowing how you built your database this might be difficult to answer why it's not working. If the fields you are trying to populate require more than one condition to do so, then you will need to create a stored procedure in your Db.

It looks to me like your "data source values" are actually a value and not a column, is that true?

0 0
replied on April 27, 2017

They are a value. Should they be a column? and do you mean a column in the DB?


0 0
replied on April 27, 2017 Show version history

The values need to be in the database, not the column. Think of it like a spread sheet.

Your column names are the equivalent to your field name, your in input to that field is stored somewhere in that column.

So your are asking forms to look in a Table (Projects) and fill the fields with values of the columns, where the Project Name is equal to PCM P2 El Segundo Loop.

1 0
replied on April 27, 2017

The IT guy showed me how to build a database the other day and I added a new table with columns. as seen below. Is this my problem?



I read in laserfiche answers that I should create a separate database outside of forms in case I upgrade and the new upgrade has a database built in it already. 

0 0
replied on April 27, 2017 Show version history

In my mind, it looks like a Access' file, right? I just need to know if you have records inside.


In your form, your value = "PCM P2 El Segundo Loop" ; this is your name's column, not a value. So I think you have no records in your database, that's why yours fields is not auto populate (or if you prefer, is populate with "nothing")


1 0
replied on April 27, 2017

Your best option is to insert a new first rule which is Fill Project Name = PCM P2 with no 'WHEN' condition.

0 0
replied on April 27, 2017

I did try that and I must be doing something wrong. I even changed the field from a table to a single field to see it that was causing it. 

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