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Exit the repeat activity

asked on April 26, 2017 Show version history


I use the activity "For each value", how can I exit the repeat activity?



best regards,


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replied on April 26, 2017

There is no way to successfully exit a For Each loop before all iterations are completed. You can add the Conditional Sequence and check for a condition so the work is not done once it's satisfied, but it will still check the condition for each remaining item in the set you're iterating over.

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replied on December 2, 2019

There should be a break or continue activity.

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replied on December 4, 2019

For Each is not necessary in the case presented above to determine if a single value is present in a list. A condition checking if the multi-value token equals a single value token will return "true" if any of the values in the multi-value tokens equals the value on the right side of the condition.

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