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print form

asked on April 24, 2017 Show version history

I need to print a form part way through my process.  The form is submitted, then proceeds through a couple of steps.  The third step requires a copy to print after they have completed the necessary information and hit submit. Is there a way to have the form automatically print at this step, even though the step is within the process?

So far, I have only noticed the print button at the "Thank You " page of the starting form.

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replied on April 25, 2017

Hi Mary,

You can place a print button on your form that can be used prior to submission.
Place the following code into a custom html field ( be sure to paste into the html tab, not the visual!! )

<button onclick="myFunction()">Print Page</button>
function myFunction() {

Hopefully this helps.


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replied on April 25, 2017

I entered the code in the HTML section, but it is showing the print button at the bottom of the design page, not on the actual form during processing.

This is my first time using custom HTML.  Am I supposed to do anything else?

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replied on April 25, 2017 Show version history

Your html section looks ok.  Is it possible that the html section it is being hidden on your actual form?  Does it show in your preview?

You could also try this:
Change the html section to:
<button onclick="PrintPage()" type="button">Print Page</button>

and add this into the Javascript page:

function PrintPage(){

We have used this without problem on Forms 10.2 with latest versions of Chrome and I.E.


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replied on June 9, 2017

When I used the first solution (that starts with <button onclick="myFunction()">Print Form</button>) I noticed that if you clicked the 'Print Form' button and then canceled it an error was thrown by the form and you had to reload the form.  Instead I ended up using just this line of code: <input onclick="window.print()" type="button" value="Print this page">

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replied on January 25, 2018

Can we hide the buttons on the print

Screenshot (52)_LI.jpg
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replied on March 24, 2018 Show version history

Print button that does not show on print job. Tested in Chrome.

<button class="printButton" onclick="printPage()">Print Page</button>
function printPage() {

Also make it appear in the title in the upper right. Will be in form title on user task, will float on message start task.

.printButton {
  position: fixed;
  top: 50px;
  right: 100px;
  z-index: 2;


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