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10.2 web client date search doesn't return results

asked on April 13, 2017

When I run a date search in the 10.2 Web Client for 'Created ON' it automatically puts in the time as 12:00:00 AM after I select the date.  When I run the search I get no results because I don't have anyone processing at 12:00 AM.

When I run the same date search in the desktop client (10.2) for 'Exactly' and choose the date it does not put in the time and I get the expected results for entries processed that day.

If I remove the time from the search criteria in the Web Client it removes the date search criteria from the search syntax. 

Looking for some reason why this isn't working in Web Client.

4-13-17 web search.png
4-13-17 web search 2.png
4-13-17 web search 3.png
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replied on May 17, 2017

Hi Michelle,


As an update, we resolved this issue in the recently released Web Client 10.2.1. Installing this latest version should fix the problem by allowing you to run 'Created' searches without specifying a time.

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replied on April 13, 2017

Hi Michelle,


It's a bit counter-intuitive, but Web Access doesn't actually allow the "On" date search to be entered into the search form without a time.


You could try using a range that includes the times (essentially a 24-hour span):


Alternatively, you could use the Search Syntax option and add your own custom date-only search:

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replied on April 13, 2017

Eric, I've used a range, but try explaining that to users who expect ON to mean ON the date they've specified.  Especially when they've been Desktop Client users where 'Exactly' gives them the date they requested in their saved searches.  It undermines their sense of security and reliability in Laserfiche.

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replied on April 13, 2017

Hi Michelle,

This issue will be fixed in the upcoming 10.2.1 web client release.


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replied on April 13, 2017

In the meantime, create a quicksearch and label it CreatedOn and put the advance search function in there





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