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Workflow Designer - A call to SSPI failed, see inner exception.

asked on April 6, 2017 Show version history

Getting this error when trying to use Workflow Designer remotely over port 8085. I have everyone allowed administrative permissions.


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replied on April 6, 2017

Have you changed your Windows password since you logged into Windows?

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replied on April 6, 2017

No changes to my local password. I am attempting to connect remotely from my workstation over port 8085. It is not on the same network.

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replied on April 7, 2017

Oh, then this is expected behavior. The Workflow Server uses Windows authentication.

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replied on April 7, 2017

Ok, but I have allowed "Everyone" access. That means all Windows Accounts from any domain right? If not, how do I enter my windows credentials?

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replied on April 10, 2017

It means all Windows accounts on that domain or a domain trusted by the domain the server is on. Workflow does not support prompting for credentials at this time.

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