Hi guys,
Our customer needs to be able to view complex network diagrams in PDF in the LF mobile client on iPads. The PDFs are 4-5Mb in size and when viewed online via the mobile client (i.e. still on the Laserfiche server) are blurry and unable to be zoomed in adequately, so have to be saved locally on the iPad. It takes around 35 seconds to save locally, but then it takes over 5 minutes to open! Once open I can get the clarity and zoom in sufficiently, but there's a lot of lag when zooming or moving the diagram around on the screen. Zooming out again results in another delay of several minutes as the PDF redraws.
Next test was to try to Share the PDF to a PDF reader on the iPad. Sharing doesn't work from the Local Document "From Laserfiche" screen when selecting the PDF via the selection box then selecting the menu option to share, well, it either doesn't work or takes so long to load the Share option that it times out. I then tap the PDF to initiate the open process and as it loads in the new window, tap the Share button. The PDF continues loading in the background and it took approx. 1.5 minutes for the "More options" window to load and then froze once I tapped the Share option. The PDF kept redrawing in the background - only partially, then clearing parts of it and redrawing them again - but the Share menu didn't open. In the end I gave up on that approach (plus the mobile client crashed) and opened the PDF fully (another 5 mins+) before trying to share it. This was a bit of a hit and miss effort, sometimes the App would crash, usually the Share option would just remain highlighted and nothing else happen (other than the redraw cycling permanently in the background without ever completing), but once after 5 or 6 attempts (and not again since then) I managed to export it to the GoodReader app on the iPad and was able to open it in there in a matter of seconds, zoom in and out with only minor lag for the redraw, and it worked well. The customer reported the same functionality if saving the PDF to OneDrive (instead of Laserfiche) and opening it on the iPad from there. Which kind of defeats the purpose.
So there's a major performance issue, to the extent that the LF App isn't feasible for them if wanting to view the diagrams on their iPads. This is a major issue for them as that's what they were wanting to use the LF App for!
The LF App Server version is I deleted the iPad app and downloaded and installed the current version of the app, 10.2.2., and tested again but got the same results. The iPad I'm testing on is running iOS 10.2.1 (almost in sync with LF!) and there's over 40GB of available space. Just to check, I tried the above processes on the LF App on an iPhone 6 (iOS 10.2.1) and encountered the same issues.
Any suggestions on how to make this workable other than using OneDrive?