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Select a single radio button with in a table row

asked on March 29, 2017

Hi, Can some one please help me with how to make a single radio button to be selected with in  a row.

So I have a table with rows for each quality and 5 columns with the level of satisfaction. The user should be able to select any one level for each row.

How can I accomplish this using javascript.


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replied on March 30, 2017

Now that you have a table and 5 columns of radio button fields, you could leave only one choice for each radio button field, and hide the choice label with CSS (q4 is id of the table):

#q4 .choice .form-option-label {
  display : none;

So it would look like this:

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replied on March 30, 2017

Rui, I have that CSS already, my question is not about how to display the radio buttons, I already got that.

My question is how can I make the end user select only one radio button for each row. So for ex if user selects column 2 for row 1 , and then he changes the selection to column 3 for row 1 then column 2 should not be selected anymore. But right now it allows to select all radio buttons in a single row.


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replied on March 30, 2017

Try script like this, it clears other radio buttons in the same row when one is clicked:

  $('#q4 .choice input').click(function(){
    var thisId = $(this).attr('id');
    $(this).parents('tr').find('.choice input').not("[id='"+thisId+"']").attr('checked',false);


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replied on March 31, 2017

Thanks Rui,

I got it working using another similar kind of script. Thank you 

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replied on July 9, 2021 Show version history

I'm going to pick up on this old thread to add some clarification (as far as what worked for me).  The code snippet above is great, except:


// should instead be


Also, if anyone is looking to make it so the user can only check one radio button in the whole table (rather than a single row), just change the "parents" specification like so:

$(this).parents('table').find('.choice input')...

If the table in question has been populated dynamically via lookup, you will also need to change the overarching trigger:

$(document).ready(function() {

// will only show values that were there when the page finished loading. 
//  In order to get those dynamic values, change it to 

$(document).on("lookupcomplete", function() {


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