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Populate other fields from client name in the template fields

asked on March 25, 2017 Show version history

Hello All,

Our client has many customers and they have to fill out same customer information over and over. They would like to enter "Client Name" and rest of information which is related entered Client name value fill out automatically in the other fields as below. Is there any best practice someone has tried or you know what i can do for this? 

I know dynamic fields is one of my options but I would like this field kind of run query in database and populate the information. Is that possible?  

They would like to enter Client Name and below fields populate automatically:  
Street Address


Many thanks for your support!

Image 1.png
Image 1.png (19.04 KB)
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replied on March 27, 2017

Hi Al

Yes, If the user is populating the first field, I would suggest you use the Dynamic fields as the look ups will be populated in real time while they are still in the Metadata pane.

In the Admin Tools, Under MetaData Management>External tables, you will add the DB where you lookup info is stored, then in MetaDataTemplate you will set up the Dynamic Fields lookups to be dependent on the Client Name.

In the sample below, these was setup so that once the Patient ID was entered the other 3 fields are populate in real time in the metadata pane.

Step 1. Add DB to MetatData External Tables

Step 2. Set up the fields in the general tab as usual

Step 3. Create the Dynamic Lookup, notice that the Parent Field for each of the fields that are to be self populated are pointed at the key field

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replied on April 12, 2017

Steve, Thank you so much for your quick response. This is what i was looking for. 

I made changes with following those steps but Text Field turned into drop down menu. Do you know why it's happening?

As always many thanks for your support!

Image 6.png
Image 6.png (34.09 KB)
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replied on April 12, 2017

Well, I found the solution for my second issue. Adding [SETTINGS]MaxDropDownLength attribute to Everyone group resolved the issue. yeswink

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replied on April 12, 2017

I believe it is because the Dynamic Lookup is returning Multiple Results, If it was only 1 result then it should just populate the field. Your Lookup may need to be more specific to only return a single result. I think what you have done with the DropDown attribute is you are forcing it to just show the first result, which may be an issue if the first result is not the returned value you need..

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