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scanconnect 8.3 flooding Program Files (x86) folder in Windows 10 1607

asked on March 21, 2017

When I install Scanconnect 8.3 in Windows 10 it adds alot of additional programs to program files. (See picture)

One I don't want all these folders in there, and two I don't want all these extra programs installed that I don't need that are just increasing my attack surface. There are no choices in the installer to pick what gets installed.

Whats going on, apparently in Windows 7 these folders do not appear in program files?

Capture.PNG (41.85 KB)
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replied on March 21, 2017


These folders also exist in Windows 7 when you install ScanConnect 8.3.

ScanConnect 8.3 includes drivers for a variety of scanners (see here for the listing) and that's what you're seeing.

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replied on March 21, 2017

Ha thanks

So my VAR was wrong, I will need to send him a link wink

So is there a way to select what drivers are installed, other than manually removing those folders after the fact, ideally in a silent install?


Or maybe editing the MSI, which I understand would definitly be "not supported"

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