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Last Person to Edit Forms

asked on March 9, 2017



I have a user who is wanting to know if there is a way to determine who the last person to edit a Laserfiche Form was. 


Is this possible in Audit Trail? Or is this something that Audit Trail wouldn't record.



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replied on March 9, 2017

Yes, it is. If you go to the Forms database and look at the table cf_business_processes table and look at the updated_by_snapshot_id it will give you a number. You can then look in the cf_users_snapshot table for that id and it will give you the name of the person.

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replied on March 15, 2017

The updated_by_snapshot_id column in the cf_business_processes table will reflect the user to last make changes to the overall process, not to the particular form. If it is a particular form which you wish to see updates for, you should examine the column of the same name in the cf_forms table.

The following query will return a table of all forms by name, with corresponding process names on the left and the last updated times and usernames on the right:

	e.[name] AS 'Process Name',
	a.[name] AS 'Form Name',
	a.date_updated AS 'Last Updated',
	b.username AS 'Last Updated By'
FROM cf_forms AS a
INNER JOIN cf_user_snapshot AS b
	ON a.updated_by_snapshot_id =
INNER JOIN cf_form_process_mapping AS c
	ON a.form_id = c.form_id
INNER JOIN cf_bp_processes AS d
	ON d.process_id = c.process_id
INNER JOIN cf_business_processes AS e
	ON e.bp_id = d.bp_id
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replied on March 9, 2017

This is available in Forms 10.2. I earlier versions it is not visible in the client, but is still tracked in the Forms database. Audit Trail does not currently monitor Forms.

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replied on March 9, 2017

Thanks Blake!


Do you happen to know where in Forms 10.2 I can go to see this information?



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replied on March 9, 2017

Hi Charles

That information is part of the Action History. If the Form is still in your Task Inbox, that information is shown under the Details Tab that appears to the right of the Tasks when one is selected. If the Task has completed you can look under the MyReports and find the open the Instance which will show the history of the document. 

One thing that we do commonly is when we save a Form into the Repository, we have the Save Action History Selected which will add a page to the front of the Form that will show the history of the Form (Who it was assigned to, when it was assigned, etc)

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replied on March 9, 2017

Charles, are you talking about the last person that edited a form in the Form Designer or the last person to take action on the form like what Steve is referring to?

If it's the first, you can open the Process Diagram in question and I believe in the top right it will tell you when you hover over one of the icons.

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replied on March 9, 2017



It is the first scenario, they just want to know who edited or made a change to the actual form, not the actions taken on the form by users. 


Do you or Laserfiche happen to know if that specific information is stored in the Forms database as well?

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replied on March 9, 2017 Show version history

Sorry, it was the top left of the Process Diagram. If you hover over the Published information or i believe the i icon it will tell who it was.

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replied on March 9, 2017

Hi Blake, thanks for the information. What if the customer is not on 10.2, is it still possible to check the database? 

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replied on March 9, 2017

Yes, it is. If you go to the Forms database and look at the table cf_business_processes table and look at the updated_by_snapshot_id it will give you a number. You can then look in the cf_users_snapshot table for that id and it will give you the name of the person.

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replied on March 9, 2017

Thanks Blake! This is exactly what I needed!

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replied on March 9, 2017

thanks blake!

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replied on March 9, 2017

You're very welcome.

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replied on March 10, 2017

Hi Blake, is there a way to check the history of changes to the Form interface? not the business process? 

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replied on March 10, 2017

I am guessing you mean when someone is editing the form, not filling it out? If that is the case, I do not believe so. It overwrites the value in the database each time someone makes a change, so you would not be able to see a history.

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replied on March 10, 2017

yes, this customer of ours also wants to know if it's possible to track the history of what was changed in the Form itself. I will inform her that it's not possible in Forms or in Audit Trail at this point. Thanks.

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replied on March 14, 2017 Show version history

Hi Blake, looks like i'll have to open a Laserfiche support ticket on my ticket. A customer did two tests and results were not correct. 

1: She logged in as her Forms account, made change to Form, went to CF_Business_processes table and looked at the "Updated_by_snapshot_id" and got id 16183, then she checked CF_user_snapshot for User_ID 16183 and saw a completely different account. This was kinda odd.

2: We then log into Forms as the Laserfiche user account, and got user ID 192, and this time, there is no userID 192 in CF_user_snapshot. 

Any ideas? If not, then I'll have to create a LF Support ticket. Thanks.

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replied on March 14, 2017


In the cf_business_processes table there was a column right next to the Updated_snapshot_id that has a different ID. You may check and see if that ID is the correct one.

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replied on March 14, 2017

status update:

the column right next to "Updated_by_Snapshot_id" is "status_updated_by_snapshot_id." and the value was 188, which showed a a totally different username. I'll go ahead and create a ticket with LF. thanks. 

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replied on March 15, 2017 Show version history

The status_updated_by_snapshot_id column reflects the id of the user to last change the Published status of the process. I believe by default for a new, unpublished process, this reflects the _anonymous system user.

Additionally, when comparing values from *_by_snapshot_id to the cf_user_snapshot table, you should compare with the id column of the cf_user_snapshot table, not the user_id column.

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replied on October 11, 2018

Here is a query that sums it all up together:

select updated_by_snapshot_id,
(select displayname from cf_user_snapshot where PROCESS.updated_by_snapshot_id = id) as username,
name, bp_id, date_created, created_by_snapshot_id
from cf_business_processes as PROCESS where is_activated = '1' and is_deleted = '0' order by date_updated


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