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filing by financial year

asked on March 9, 2017

Hi everybody

I've been trying to create the workflow that will file documents based on the financial year, this means from the 1st of April to 31 of March. My customer will populate the date into the template and workflow should kick off from there. The ideal will be like

financial year ( 2016 - 2017) /  March / ...

2017 - 2018 / April

and so on ....


Any help will be much appreciate :-)

date.png (18.71 KB)
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replied on March 9, 2017

You're probably on the right track, but I can't tell since you're not describing the activities or problems you might be having.

Something like this calculates the years and formats the months for the path:

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replied on March 9, 2017

Thank you very much Miruna. That's the thing I was trying to achieve!!!!! Works perfectly!

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