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Ignore Required Field When Hidden

asked on March 9, 2017

When submitting a utility application, an individual is required to provide their social security number (SSN) or a business is required to submit their employee identification number.  I have field rules that hide the SSN or EIN depending on whether the customer is an individual or a business.  If they aren't hidden, I want them to be required.  However, upon form submission, the error is thrown for "Field Name: Employer Identification Number, Position: 20, Error: This value is required. [LFF9300-ValueRequired] [LFF9312-ErrorOccuredDuringFormsValidation]"

Is there a way to ignore required fields when they are hidden?  Or, conversely, only require the fields when they are not hidden? 

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replied on March 9, 2017

There are two field validations that happen, the first occurs when fields or changed or when the submit/approve/reject button is clicked.  The second is a back-end validation that occurs after the form is submitted (this secondary validation was added in 10.2 I believe).  You can disable the secondary validation if needed.  On the Layout page of your form, click the gear icon, and change the setting for backend validation.

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replied on August 18, 2017

I was having the same issue and Matthew's suggestion worked for us. Please let us know if we might need additional form adjustments in order to make the Field Rules work as expected. 

We also had the setting "Ignore the data when the field/section/page is hidden" in Field Rules, but that didn't fix the error.

Thank you,


Raul Gonzalez

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replied on August 20, 2017

Disable back end validation is the suitable workaround in your case. There are some known issues that the back end validation doesn't work correctly when the field is hidden with combination of lookup and read-only. This will be fixed with Forms 10.2.1 Update 2.

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replied on September 26, 2017

I've installed 10.2.1 Update 2 and still seem to have issues with the backend validation. They seem to be with read-only and/or required fields which are hidden.


Any ideas?

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replied on March 29, 2017

You can bypass the backend validation for hidden field by set the option to "Ignore the data when the field/section/page is hidden" for the field rule.

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replied on April 1, 2017

I thought that would be the ticket, but for some reason it was requiring those fields on the backend validation. 

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replied on March 14, 2019

I discovered that if the page was hidden and that page had sections within it with required fields, then the back end validation would throw errors for those required fields. I simply added the individual sections that were on the hidden page to the same "Show" field rule where I showed the page. 

Screenshot.png (14.49 KB)
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