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Deploying a custom workflow activity

asked on March 7, 2017

I'm deploying several workflow activities for a project to multiple workstations.  Normally, I'd just manually put these in place on the server and workstation but in this case, I'd like a script so that I can simplify the installation process and easily clean it up if they aren't needed.  

The server side doesn't seem to difficult.  It appears all I need to do is update the custom_activities table on their workflow server.  Is this correct?

The client side seems a little tougher.  I'm not sure what to update or if it is even possible.  Is there a config file that needs to be edited or do I need to edit the registry... or something else?  It would also be nice to automatically create my own workflow activity category and place the activities inside that category through the script.  Is this possible and what would I need to edit to do this?

Thanks for any help you can provide.


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replied on March 7, 2017

See <APPDATA>\Laserfiche\WF\Layout.en.xml.

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replied on March 7, 2017 Show version history


When we are ready to deploy a production Qfiche Toolkit custom workflow activity we add a standard .NET setup project to the custom workflow activity project and that installer handles the actual physical installation of the activity assembly and related files.  You then need to register the custom activity on the Workflow Server per the Laserfiche instructions. 

The final step is to install a local copy of the custom activity on every workstation that has a Workflow Designer installed.  We use the same .NET setup application to install the assemblies on each Designer workstation and then point to that local assembly to actually add the custom activity to each Designer per the Laserfiche instructions.

Using a properly configured .NET setup project will also allow you to 'upgrade' the custom activity if you have later versions and properly 'uninstall' the custom activity from the Workflow Server and Designer workstations if necessary.

As far as adding a custom category to the Designer Toolbox pane you accomplish that in the Workflow Activity Proxy Generator by keying in the name of the category you want your custom activity to be displayed within.  Here is a screenshot of that step in the Proxy Generator wizard;

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replied on March 7, 2017

"We use the same .NET setup application to install the assemblies on each Designer workstation and then point to that local assembly to actually add the custom activity to each Designer per the Laserfiche instructions."

Cliff, this is where I'm looking for more information.  As far as I know, this is all a manual process as per the Laserfiche Instructions.  I'm looking to script this process.

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replied on March 7, 2017

Got it.  I think in order for that to happen LF would have to share how the local custom workflow assemblies are 'registered' by the Designer and then emulate that same process.

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replied on March 7, 2017

See <APPDATA>\Laserfiche\WF\Layout.en.xml.

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replied on March 7, 2017

So it looks like two nodes in the XML file will properly 'register' an activity? 

An Assembly node in the Assemblies collection in the ActivityToolbox LayoutItem, and a Category node in the Toolbox collection? 

Will that xml file always be in the current users AppData\Roaming\Laserfiche\WF folder?

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replied on March 7, 2017

Thanks Miruna.  Exactly what I was looking for.  

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replied on March 7, 2017


The file is created on first launch of the Designer. All user changes to the Designer (layout, frequently used activities, visible activities) are saved to it.

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