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Text Search picking up text that has been removed (LF Version 10)

asked on March 6, 2017

Our user had 134 documents that had the text ‘lf username’ in them. This is an indication that the barcode page is present when it should not be. They have corrected the documents and deleted the pages with the phrase.

However, when they search on the phrase again, they get the same 134 hits but the phrase is not in any of the documents. Per screenshot, it states ‘Unable to obtain the context hit….’. It appears it is finding the phrase even if it is not there.

What can they do so this does not occur? They have tried to re-OCR the documents but that does not fix the issue. They have deleted the text on some of the documents and that does not fix it.  Thank you in advance for any advice you can offer!

Text Search Issue.png
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replied on March 13, 2017

More info on this issue. They rebooted the server and it got rid of the text issue on documents that had been fixed last week. However, they got the same issue today on new documents. The documents below created 3/10 had the text I searched for. They fixed the text issue this morning and searched again and they are again getting the same issue. They should not have to reboot to fix this text issue.  What are we missing?



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replied on March 13, 2017

Hi Mike,

Please open a case with Laserfiche Support and provide the exact version of Laserfiche being used. I wasn't able to recreate the issue in the latest Laserfiche 10.2 release. If I deleted a page from a document that contained indexed text I was searching for, and then immediately ran a search for that text, the document does return in the results without showing any context hits, but if I wait a few seconds and run the search again, then the document no longer appears. This is because of the time it takes for the Laserfiche search catalog to get updated based on the page deletion.

If you're seeing these documents still being returned in the search results long after the pages had been deleted, then it's something that we'll need to investigate.


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