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Missing mysql datasource driver option

asked on February 27, 2017

I am required to use MySQL for one of my Workflows.  I am unable to add a new connection to it within Workflow.  

I am selecting 'Add' under Workflow Server data source.

Then choosing ODBC as the Data Source type;

The Data Source Driver is missing MySQL.  (See image)

Am I doing something wrong?

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replied on February 27, 2017

They need to be installed on the workflow server. The designer and the Client applications only connect you to the server but all data connections need to be stablished from the server itself. Once you do that then they should show up on the list of available sources.


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replied on February 27, 2017

Have you installed the ODBC drivers for MySQL?

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replied on February 27, 2017

I thought so.

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replied on February 27, 2017

You may want to install the 32 bit Drivers for MySQL. I believe workflow looks at the 32 bit ODBC data sources rather than the 64bit ones.


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replied on February 27, 2017

Same issue.

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replied on February 27, 2017

Where are you installing the drivers at, local machine or workflow server? Are you using the designer no your local machine or workflow server?

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replied on February 27, 2017

They are installed on my local machine.  And I am working with the Designer on my local machine as well.

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replied on February 27, 2017

Problem has been fixed.  The server needed V++2013 redistributable and the current x86 driver.

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